Summer is on its way...
Summer is on its way: Eva, our school gardener has reported that a family of robins have been living in a bird box in our Wild Garden.
The robins were first spotted by a year 3 class and then on another day she found the young robin sitting in the box just watching a year 1 class having their forest school session. The baby bird seemed very happy watching the children play just like the parents who are very happy to watch Eva gardening, waiting to see if she unearths a worm or two! We have had tits nest in our box before, but this is the first time a family of robins have made it their home.
We (the school) are looking after 9 new cherry trees on Elsinore Road planted with Street Trees for Living. Apart from watering the trees, we have to keep the bases free of weeds for the first few years. These pictures show a before and after for one of our trees.
Also, at the school we have a few bluebells growing in our Bluebell alley which is behind one of the sports cages, this is the first plant which came into bloom this year – do take a look they look lovely.