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Kilmorie wins Gold Certificate in the London Children's Flower Society Award

The school entered a competition run by the London Children's Flower Society, the society encourages children to take an interest in horticulture by running competitions for primary schools.

We entered the Summer Growing Competition, Year 3 grew sunflowers and Year 4 grew beans, tomatoes and courgettes. The children planted the seeds and then started the plants off growing in their classrooms, later they were planted outside in the vegetable beds. The Year 4 children will be able to harvest their vegetables when they return in September in Year 5. We also entered the School Garden Competition which looked at our gardens as a whole so a big thank you to all the children and parents/carers who have helped with our gardens at our gardening events. 

The judge came to look at our gardens in June, and we received a gold certificate for both our Summer Growing and the School Garden competitions, the judge was impressed with our gardens and the way the children play and interact with the plants particularly within the Wild Garden. She also loved our outdoor classroom in the Physic Garden and the variety of plants we have and how we use them to teach the children." 

Background info:

For the School Garden competition apart from a certificate, there are a number of other awards given, we will find out if Kilmorie has won anything in September, after all the school gardens have been assessed.

In the 2 previous years we have entered we have won a prize and been invited to the Guildhall to receive them, that's why I like to enter this competition periodically, its a real treat to bring some children to that event. Fingers crossed.

Eva - school gardener