The Girls St Dunstan's Football Tournament
The football tournament was a fantastic event and all the girls felt so happy to have been able to play at St Dunstan’s Jubilee ground. All the girls played absolutely amazingly, and I think a lot of parents/carers were impressed at the level of skill on show.
The football tournament was a fantastic event and all the girls felt so happy to have been able to play at St Dunstan’s Jubilee ground. All the girls played absolutely amazingly, and I think a lot of parents/carers were impressed at the level of skill on show.
The girls were delighted when Jane Catton (our coach) first announced that we would have a girls team organised for us to play for. This has given the girls so much more of an opportunity and encouraged more girls to play football. I am so proud of how good the girls have become at football and how well we played at the tournament.
Even though we didn’t win all our matches, we all stepped off the pitch smiling and all felt so happy to have been able to play our first football tournament in Year six.
We can’t wait for our league to start! This is all thanks to Jane and we are all so grateful!
Article by Anna Evans (Team Captain)