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The children will learn to:

  • Develop an understanding of maths through stories, songs, games and imaginative play
  • Become comfortable with numbers and everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems
  • Be aware of shapes and space

Key Stage 1&2

Maths can be applied across other curriculum areas e.g. data handling is a key element of scientific enquiry.

At Kilmorie we want our children to be confident mathematicians who are able to use and apply their learning and, to understand that it is fine to make mistakes along the way. They are given lots of opportunities to discuss, explore, practice and apply mathematical concepts using hands on resources and IT as well as the more traditional paper and pen methods.

The maths curriculum contains a number of areas which include: number, measures, geometry and statistics. We believe these areas are not mutually exclusive and teach maths in a cross curricular context. This equips our children with the skills they need to solve real life problems. We broaden our children’s understanding of concepts by building on previous learning and ensuring fluency, and link this learning to reasoning. This ensures a solid understanding of number skills which lay the foundation for all further mathematical development. 

Teachers use curriculum guidance from the NCETM – the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths, and we subscribe to White Rose Maths for resources. We are members of the South London Maths Hub where teachers attend Professional Development.

We also want parents to feel confident supporting their children’s learning. Teachers will always find time to explain methods they are teaching.