Anti-Bullying Week 2022
It was wonderful to see so many children and staff wearing odd socks on Monday to kick off anti-bullying week by showing how different and unique we all are.
During Kate M’s assembly (Lower Phase) we discussed what bullying means, how it affects people, the different roles involved in a bullying situation and how we can reach out to challenge it and change it. During Simone’s assembly (Upper Phase), she talked about the theme #REACH OUT for Anti-Bullying week 2022. Including:
- Different types of bullying, physical, verbal, emotional and also cyber-bullying
- How we can reach out and show each other the support we need
- How we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out
- If we challenge bullying, we can change it but it takes courage
- Who our 'trusted adults' in school could be We agreed to come together to reach out to help ourselves and others; to make Kilmorie school and community a kinder place to be.