Dear Parents and Carers,
I feel like I have walked into a magical world where all (or lots of) my favourite stories have come to life! It has been lovely to hear children share with me who they have dressed up as, or what they like to read when snuggled in their Pyjamas at bedtime. Do take a look at the amazing costumes here.
Fiona led the assembly today for World Book Day, she got each year group to choose elements of the story: who, what, where, etc. She also reminded us that we all have stories inside us waiting to come out, that have come from all the amazing books we have read over the years. Kate then met with a group of children who used the key elements chosen in the assembly to create a story. It was (or will be) shared with the classes and if you would like to have a read click here.
On Monday we had a Science Show in place of assembly this week, to kick off Kilmorie’s Science Week. We were joined by Gooey Stuey from Fizz Pop Science who demonstrated some of the exciting science linked to solids, liquids and gases. The children especially enjoyed the dry ice, showing the sublimation (word of the assembly) of frozen carbon dioxide! Throughout the rest of the week, children took part in investigative activities linked to the theme ‘Connections’ and explored the importance of recognising diversity in science, also linked to International Women’s Day on Wednesday. Remember the deadline for the poster competition is Friday 17th March (see last week’s newsletter for details).
Year 4 had a Vikings Drama workshop this week where the children retold a Viking Myth using their freeze frame skills that they have been practising in English. They acted out the battles between King Alfred and the Vikings that led to the formation of Danelaw. Finally, they mapped out Viking Scandinavia and England and looked at the Viking invasion. It looks like they had a lot of fun – have a look at the photos here.
We also had our maths parent workshops, for each of our phase groups (Early, Lower and Upper) this week. Each of the maths leaders (Philippa, Elis and myself) outlined how children are taught maths in the phase, sharing ideas on how parents can support them at home. Feedback has been very positive, and parents went away feeling more confident about how they can bring maths into everyday life to support their children. If you were unable to join, the presentation slides will be available on our website next week.
Sickness: While we appreciate that not all sickness is related to an illness, there is a sickness bug that is making its way around the school. With this in mind, if your child is sick (aligned with NHS guidance: “Stay off school or work until you've not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days.”) please keep your child off school. This will help us to hopefully reduce sickness numbers and prevent further children becoming ill.
I do hate to nag, but please do not cut through the back gate, at the beginning of the day you can only cut across the playground to the early years and not the other way around.
If you:
are dropping children to nursery or reception and also have a child in years 4-6 they need to use the alley way to enter the main playground.
have a child in years 1-3 and Nursery or Lions, please drop off at Nursery/Lions first then use the alley way to reach the main playground.
have a child in Years 1-3 and Tigers or Bears, please drop off the child in Years 1-3 first and then make your way to the Early Years.
This supports us in keeping children safe and helps the early years not to get congested. Thank you for your support.
I also need to remind that if you have a child in year 3 and under, you need to remain with them until the second bell goes at 8:55am. Prior to that bell, as they have not been registered, we are not responsible for them.
A big thank you to all the volunteers for your help at the Pre-Loved Clothes event. The children were so excited to choose new clothes and one of them even went home in their new outfit! We saved families some vital pounds and even helped save the planet!
Do we have any budding bakers? Junior Bake Off are seeking applications from 9-12 year olds – You will need to be quick though as the deadline is this Sunday 12th March - here’s the link.
The school discos, are next week! Friday 17th March: Year 3-4 4.30-6pm and Year 5-6 6.30-8pm. This is only a week away, but don’t worry, there’s still time to buy your child a ticket here. If your child is attending, please keep an eye out for an email from FOK with important information about the disco arrangements.
Quiz & Kati Rolls, Friday 21st April 7-10pm: We’re delighted to be welcoming back Tina and Amanda as quizmasters/hosts and Raastawala will once again be serving up their delicious Kati rolls and masala fries. Tickets are now on sale here.
Wishing all our families a lovely weekend - Let’s hope we get some dry weather!
Kind regards