Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had another busy week and it has been lovely to feel the weather getting warmer and children being able to enjoy more outdoor learning.
The focus in this week’s Senior Leader Assembly was IDAHOBIT (17th May) and was led by Dennis. He spoke about how the day emerged and the reasons behind it; there are still 70 countries in the world where same-sex marriage is illegal and in 10 of these countries the punishment could be death. Dennis also spoke about Mental Health Awareness week, with a particular focus on anxiety and shared the anxiety thermometer.
Today, we had a wonderful assembly from Treefrogs all about Our World and Earth Day. They shared with us the importance of looking after our world and the things we can all do to help. I was super impressed with their confidence, the amount of information they shared but most of all it was lovely to see how they were enjoying sharing their learning with parents and carers. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it.
This week –
It was great to see so much green around the school yesterday for Mental Health Awareness Week. A huge thanks to those who made a contribution to the Mental Health Foundation via ParentPay, so far, we have raised £275.50. You can still contribute via your ParentPay account. Throughout the week the children have spent time thinking and talking about their mental wellbeing, including what makes them happy and things that make them worry. We have also been thinking about the strategies that we can use to help us overcome our worries. You can see photos here. If you would like to continue the discussions at home, Place2Be have produced this video and advice for parents.
On Wednesday, National Numeracy Day, the children enjoyed Katya Jones National Numeracy Dance, helping children to understand why maths is no different to learning a dance routine, it takes practice. The children were also asked to draw an animal that reflects how they feel about maths - we had some amazing responses to this and will be displaying the drawings around the school.
Unfortunately, last night’s Parent Workshop - keeping your children safe online did not go ahead due to unforeseen circumstances. We have rescheduled for next Thursday (25th May) 6-7pm in the hall. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
On Thursday, we hosted a speech and language workshop for Early Phase children. Todne, the Speech and Language Therapist attached to our school spoke about what speech and language actually are, as well as the role of a speech therapist and developmental milestones. She finished the session by looking at strategies to help children with speech and language needs.
School trips this week -
Elis’ class visited Kagyu Samye Dzong London Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre to support their RE learning about Buddhism. The children were given an introduction to Buddhism and talked about the essence of the Buddhist teachings, they took part in a brief simple guided meditation and had the opportunity to ask questions about the Buddhist faith. The remaining year 3 classes will go next week.
Nora & Dominic’s class children enjoyed a visit to the Migration Museum in Lewisham shopping centre on Thursday. They had a workshop in which they discovered that everyone has some kind of link to migration and the children were also able to explore the exhibition ‘Taking Care of Business’, which highlights the contributions that migrants have made to the UK’s culture and economy. Did you know that Marks and Spencer, Costa Coffee and Morley’s are all businesses founded by immigrants to the UK? Jo C’s class will visit next week. View photos here.
Last Friday, Vicky's class shared their street dance learning from PE this term. It was lovely to see them enjoying themselves and was impressed at how well coordinated they all were – well done Vicky’s class. See photos here.
Thank you to all the Early Phase families who joined us at the Early Years Garden Party last Saturday, it looked like everyone had a wonderful time, we hope you did. FoK, Philippa and the Early Phase team are extremely grateful to the 80 plus parents/carers who donated and/or helped before, during or after the event - it wouldn't have been possible without their support.
There has been some lovely feedback about the day - the stocks were especially popular with the children as you can see from the photos. The icing on the cake is that together we raised an amazing £3102! This money will go towards the cost of the coaches for the Joss Bay beach trip on the 5th July.
Food Waste Recycling – This week Benita met with the Lewisham Environment Services team to register Kilmorie for Food Waste Recycling. Like food waste collected from Lewisham’s homes, school food waste is sent for anaerobic digestion and converted into renewable energy and fertiliser. Just one lorry load of food waste can generate enough energy to power over 20,000 TVs for an hour.
Increasing food waste recycling is a significant step towards reducing Lewisham’s emissions and helping achieve net-zero by 2030. Recycling food waste also saves the Council money, meaning more resources are available to support frontline services and local communities.
Gardening session – this Sunday (21st) all are welcome. The team will be tidying, pruning, seed sowing and den making. Please bring tools (with your name on them). Thank you.
Term Dates for next year: Apologies for the delay in confirming but the 5th of September will be an INSET day. We do have another day that still needs to be confirmed, this day has been put to one side as it enables us to have external trainers in. Once confirmed, we will share with you and promise to give plenty of notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Educational Psychologist, Our EP, Daniel, has been working with teachers this academic year, offering advice and support to help teaching and learning. Next half-term, we will be offering Coffee Morning sessions with him. These will not be individual sessions but will be there to give information and support on a range of subjects. On Friday 9th June – Daniel will run a general, information gathering, session to identify what support he can give in future weeks. He will run further sessions on the 16th and 30th June. Each session will begin at 09.10. Please sign up here.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.
Kind regards