Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you are all rested and refreshed from the holidays. I would like to thank you for the cards and gifts that I received, they were greatly appreciated. We have had a good start back to the year.
My assembly on Monday was all about New Year Resolutions and how they give us time to reflect on those areas of life that we would like to improve. I reminded the children of our expectations in class and around the school.
We have had some very cold days this week. Please be aware that the areas of the playground such as under the equipment and the 100 square do get very slippery; please avoid walking on these areas at drop off and pick up times.
Every year we conduct a parental survey so that we can get a flavour of view about aspects of school life, I would be grateful if you could complete this year’s survey by clicking here.
Additionally, we had our first meeting on our road to being an OPAL school on Thursday. We have started to get a baseline of the school but would like to get parental views (and pupil views) on our play provision. Please could I ask you to complete this survey as well.
Parent’s Evening
The spring term parents’ evenings are scheduled for the week beginning 20th January. Appointments will go live on Monday 13th January at 7pm. Please book an appointment using the Arbor app. The booking system will close on the 17th January at 14.00.
Meeting Philippa during parents meeting week
Unfortunately, time and budget constraints have resulted in some adaptations being required to SEND parent meetings to those held during the Autumn term.
I will be available Mon-Weds evening during the week of the 20th January. I will have my own online timetable for you to fill in a 15-minute slot to see me, so please look out for this when booking your teacher appointments.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to have your child's class teacher with me in this meeting.
If you do not book to see me, class teachers will be being asked to note points to share with me that arise during your meeting with them. Should every available appointment be taken, rest assured I will make time to see or talk to you on the phone.
Talking to staff.
Last term we have had a number of incidents where parents have shouted at / been aggressive towards members of staff, sometimes in front of children. At Kilmorie, we will not accept or tolerate any behaviour, language or communication that we consider to be abusive towards any of our members of staff. If you have a concern or an issue, please raise the matter respectfully to the appropriate member of staff.
A gentle reminder, the only snacks we allow at breaktimes are whole pieces of fruit or small boxes of dried fruit – raisins. We do not allow packaged, processed snacks even if fruit based e.g. fruit winders etc.
Up-coming Dates
Date |
Event |
Notes |
WB 20.1.25
Parents’ Evening week.
Rebecca’s class assembly
6.2.25 (Thursday)
Vicky’s class assembly
09.15 (Note change of date)
7.2.25 |
NSPCC Number Day |
14.2.25 |
Shona’s class assembly |
09.15 |
21.3.25 |
Crystal’s class assembly |
09.15 |
28.3.25 |
Elis’ class assembly |
09.15 |
4.4.25 |
Jo’s Class Assembly |
09.15 |
4.4.25 |
End of term |
3.30pm finish |
22.4.25 |
Children return to school |
26.5.25-30.5.25 |
Half-term |
27.6.25 |
No Children in school |
18.7.25 |
Last day of term |
2pm finish |
Kind regards,