Penny – Year 6
Eleni – for her determination to succeed which, coupled with her use of Kilmorie Qualities like curiosity and resilience, is enabling her to make impressive progress.
Harlem – for greatly improved focus and attention to detail which is helping him to achieve all that he is truly capable of.
Shona – Year 5
Erin A is a fantastic role model for the class with her positive learning behaviour.
Harley has an enthusiastic approach to each topic and always challenges himself.
Sarah C – Year 3
Skyler - for being and independent and resilient learner.
Hao'er - for being a focused learner who always ask questions to deepen her knowledge.
Vicky – Year 4
Ida- improved focus in her learning and great attitude to learning.
Sarang- improved handwriting and great attitude/enthusiasm with our morning challenges.
Crystal – Year 3
Siniša- For being an amazing role model, always curious and kind to everyone he’s around. He is an enthusiastic learner who is always exhibiting the Kilmorie qualities.
Oviya- For trying her best and being resilient and taking on board the feedback she receives.
Rebecca - Year 2
Caspar - always shows great curiosity and asks lots of fantastic questions. He makes us think about things in different ways and loves to give us facts he has found out.
Ruby - she is really trying to push and challenge herself even when she finds things tricky. Ruby is making fantastic progress and is a brilliant role model to her peers.