Dear Parents and Carers,
The senior leader assembly on Monday was led by Maria and was about Comic Relief. The assembly introduced the charity’s history, main aims and actions; they looked at some snappy, memorable facts about the amazing work Red Nose Day helps to fund and finally ended with a moving video all about Teddy, one of the children whose life was changed for the better thanks to the money raised for Comic Relief. It has been lovely to see so many staff and children wearing red in support – If you haven’t already and would like to, you can click here to donate.
Today Rebecca’s class performed their assembly on the Vikings. They used what they have learnt through History and Geography and used their skills as story seekers to bring a Viking world to life. They did this through music, drama and dance. They made their own props which were used in the performance. "They did an amazing job, and I am so proud of them!" Rebecca. There are some photos on the Year 4 page - please scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Fire Safety Before School: Last term we had an impromptu fire drill that took place before school. It is important that everyone knows what they need to do. We will be sharing with children what they need to do and ask that you make a note that if the fire alarm goes off between 8:40am and the start of the school day:
Pupils who are on school grounds with their parents or who have walked to school alone are to make their way to their normal school day fire point designated area
Parents please wait by the main gate (and not with your child) until the all clear is given
The senior leader on gate duty will close the school gates immediately and no one will be allowed to enter until given the all clear
School Gardening Day tomorrow (Saturday 18th March) 2.00 to 3.30pm in the main playground. Please come along and help plant some fruit bushes donated by a parent, pot up some trees and generally give the gardens a good tidy. Everyone is welcome, there will be jobs to suit everyone. No toilets available, bring a drink, biscuits provided, children are the responsibility of their parent or carer. It will be a lovely chance to see if the tulips have started to bloom.
Attendance, each week we report attendance and punctuality across the school in the table below. I wanted to further share information about the importance of attendance, as well as providing advice on when your child should stay home due to illness and ways we reduce the spread of infection. Please visit our website to read more.
World Down Syndrome Day is on Tuesday 21st March. We are asking children and adults to wear the craziest socks they have; they could be mismatched, colourful or with crazy patterns. The idea is to start a conversation (which we will be doing in Monday’s senior leader assembly) to help raise awareness of Down Syndrome.
The school governors and the senior leadership team are holding a school vision & priorities meeting, next Wednesday 22nd March at 6:30 in the school hall. The last few years have seen a lot of change and new and different challenges for everybody. The evening will give us an opportunity to come together to discuss the school’s vision and priorities. There will also be time to ask questions and hear about all the work that is going on behind the scenes. Further information is available on the letter sent this week
Today Conor’s class visited Deptford Creekside Discovery Centre, this trip supports both their learning in geography and science. They look at rivers and the water cycle, as well as human and physical features around the creek and how the land use has changed. This links into their science learning on living things, investigating Deptford Creek as a habitat, identifying and naming a variety of living things and grouping them into broad groups. I look forward to hearing all about it upon their return. Vicky’s class will go next week and Ayo’s class the week after.
There has been much anticipation after the auditions but the wait is now over, as this week the children were informed of who has been allocated which part in the end of year production, The Lion King. All children will be learning the songs in singing assemblies as all children will be part of the production. An after school slot has been allocated for rehearsals, Emily or Rebecca will be in touch if and when your child is involved.
The maths workshop presentations are available on our website here.
Tonight, we have the much anticipated, school discos for years 3&4 and years 5&6. I hope everyone has fun followed by a relaxed weekend.
Kind regards