Dear Parents and Carers,
Wow what a week it has been.
I understand that you will be eager to know the outcome of the Ofsted inspection we had this week. However, we are unable to share any information until the report is published which will be in the shortest time frame, 30 working days. Please support us by not asking questions or probe for ‘hints’ but be reassured that as soon as I have the report, I will share it. Thank you for completing the questionnaire, we had an impressive 273 responses.
We started this week with our whole school assembly’s theme of celebration. Dennis began with speaking to the children about the celebrations around Eid al-Fitr. He showed pictures of the festival around the world and the reasons for the celebrations. Children contributed with their own experiences and how they marked Eid al-Fitr.
He then moved on to speak about the forthcoming coronation of King Charles III. He showed pictures and a video about the coronation so that the children, should they watch the event, will have a better understanding of the different elements of the ceremony and the symbolism behind the crown jewels.
We rounded off the week with Butterflies wonderful, moving and poignant class assembly all about our world. They shared a wealth of information that they had learnt, through their topic; Awesome Animals. I was bowled over with the enthusiasm, confidence and collaboration that they showed, and was moved by the very important messages they shared. It was a lovely end to what has been a very intense week.
This morning, Dennis held an ASC coffee morning. Dennis spoke about the range of support offered in the local community and the next steps that the school is taking to support pupils with ASC. There was an open discussion about the issues that ASC children face at school and in the wider community, then some time to network with parents facing similar concerns. Dennis is planning to organise additional coffee morning sessions that will cover a range of SEND topics. Click here to view the presentation.
Smart/electronic watches: please can I remind you that no child is allowed any sort of smartwatch in school. This includes Apple watches, Fitbits and other similar devices. If seen, they will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. There will be a phone call home to inform you that the child had come to school wearing it. If they are subsequently seen wearing it, it will be confiscated and only returned to the parent.
Zone of Regulation (ZoR) parent evening: in September we introduced the Zones of Regulation to the staff and children. ZoR helps children (and adults) to identify and name how they are feeling, recognise how others might feel and have a set of tools to help them to regulate emotions. I would like to invite you to a ZoR Parent Workshop at school on Thursday 11th May from 6-7pm to learn more about the Zones of Regulation.
I met with School Council last week. I outlined why School Council is important and my vision for the children being involved in school development. We brainstormed ideas and was really impressed by the level of respect they showed each other when ideas were raised. There was an impressive range of ideas given, which they will take back to their classes and ask their class to vote on which ones they would like to be part of. This will then be discussed in our next meeting. I am looking forward to seeing what they bring back to me.
Walk To School Week & Mental Health Awareness Week are both from 15th -19th May 2023: children are encouraged to travel sustainably to and from school every day. This year’s challenge will take them on a Walk with Wildlife, encouraging children to travel actively to school every day of the week. Meeting various animals along the way, they'll learn about the important reasons to walk and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet! Kilmorie will be getting involved in this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week by encouraging all children and staff to ‘wear it green’ on Thursday, 18th May 2023, as the green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness. We are also encouraging the Kilmorie community to make a donation to the Mental Health Foundation through ParentPay, these donations will enable them to continue their research and deliver vital programmes throughout the UK. This year’s theme is Anxiety and throughout week commencing 15th May, the children will be involved in activities relating to this theme.
Playground works: Last week I mentioned that we were about to have some new playground equipment installed. I am happy to inform you that works are scheduled to commence 2nd May, this will mean, when you return on Wednesday next week, part of our playground will not be in use. This will affect arrangements for drop off and pick up. Please read carefully the changes below:
Year 5 will now be collected from the cage and Sarah C & Shona’s class will be collected from outside the music room and Kate M’s class will be collected by the blossom trees outside the main entrance.
New face in the office: Aaliyah has joined us in replacement of Jennie’s role. She is our Admission and Attendance Officer and works 10-2pm every day. I am sure you will join me in welcoming her.
Early Phase Garden Party, Sat 13th May 11.30am – 2.30pm - Thank you to everyone who has been able to donate items or volunteer. We really do need your help to ensure that this wonderful event can go ahead, and with just two weeks to go, there are still plenty of ways to help:
Donate soft toys, books and pre-loved toys. Please put them into the blue bin at the front gate, in boxes by the Elsinore gate, in the Year 1 outside area or beside the Nursery/Reception Wraparound gate.
Donate items for the coloured hampers - please put them in the special hamper boxes outside individual classrooms or handed to the class Teacher/Teaching Assistant.
Purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist for craft items, etc. if any parents would prefer to support the garden party that way.
Volunteer – we need 40 more people for things like the bar, bouncy castle, children’s games, biscuit decorating, face painting, etc. Please sign-up here if you can help.
Kilmorie Quiz: Thank you to everyone who came to the quiz last Friday - there were 98 quizzers across 17 teams! Well done to The Defending Champions, who took the top spot and the glory for the second year in a row! Congratulations also to Aaron, who went home £108 richer after winning the 50:50 raffle. Huge thanks to Tina and Amanda, our brilliant quizmasters/hosts who kindly do the quiz for free, and to Rinku and her Raastawala team for the delicious food. We raised over £1300 and hopefully everyone had a fantastic night!
Lost Property: FoK and I are hoping the weather will finally be dry enough to put the lost property out next Friday (5th May) after school. In the meantime, please do check the lost property shed by the main gate at any time. We all know how frustrating it can be when an item of clothing gets lost. To help, FoK has an arrangement with Stamptastic and will earn a small commission if you buy their nifty clothes labelling system.
Don’t forget that there is a strike day on the Tuesday (2 May) following the bank holiday.
I hope you all enjoy the extended weekend and I look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 3rd may.
Kind regards