Dear Parents and Carers,
Well, here we are at the end of our 7th week this term! And what a busy one it has been, just for a change!
We kicked off International Week in our whole school assembly on Monday, led by Hannah where she got many of our pupils to share interesting facts or knowledge about the countries they have a connection to. We practised counting to 10 in lots of different languages! We were also treated to a fantastic performance of Ghanaian music performed by the drum fun club.
Lions Class had a parent visit for international week:
Kei, mum of Ellie in Lions class talked to the children in reception about Japan (including showing them her beautiful kimono), helped them to make origami cats, and gave them two Japanese fans to use.
We concluded our International Week with a wonderful celebration showcase of the learning the children had done over the week. We were treated to artwork, songs and information learnt about a wide range of countries: Germany, Turkey, Morocco, Netherlands, Vietnam and Ghana. The children were clearly enthused about their learning.
This was followed this afternoon with a selection of performances to parents, including drum fun, steel pans and lower phase choir. With Shipra’s class finalising with showcasing their street dance learning – I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Reminder and sign up: On Wednesday 24th July at 13:00-13:50 in the Reception Wrap room, accessed via the alleyway, Daniel, our Lewisham Educational Psychologist is coming to talk to all parents who may be interested about anxiety in children, how this manifests itself and ways to manage that anxiety. Whilst we do not have details of the content, we know it is an area parents have requested further support around and I’m sure it will be a very informative 50 minutes.
Teachers will also be benefitting from his expertise after your children have gone home, as we are increasingly aware of the impact of anxiety when teaching.
Please sign up your interest below
Reception went to the Dulwich Picture Gallery
Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Greenwich Park on Wednesday. The sun was shining, and they got to enjoy a day of fun; playing in the playground and having a picnic. It was a lovely way for them to end the year and for all the children to have fun with their classmates before the end of the year. Thank you to all the parents who made it possible.
Year 6 had a wonderful time celebrating the end of the year with a trip to Chessington World of Adventures on Thursday. The children coped well with the heat and the queuing, neither of which stopped them having fun, although we were all very tired by the end and extremely grateful to Friends of Kilmorie for paying for the coaches to bring us home. A huge thank you to all the adults who volunteered their time to allow this trip to go ahead.
Just Giving, can you help make a difference to our SEN provision? Over the summer we will be preparing a dedicated support space to allow KS1 and a few KS2 children to learn in a neurofriendly environment. This new hub will enable children to access high quality teaching and learning opportunities, guided and supported by staff with focused SEN skills, while remaining firmly attached to their class.
We would like to raise money for a fence that will provide an outside area for the children that access the hub and hope that you might be able to support us by clicking the link below and donating.
Nursery Picnic in Mayo Park. They had a wonderful time. It was a fantastic opportunity for our families to come together and to celebrate all the children have done over the past year and to say goodbye to those children who will be moving on to ‘big’ school. They all looked amazing in their 'mini graduation' mortar boards and we were all very proud!
We would also like to say a heartfelt thank you to our Nursery parents and carers. You have been so supportive, generous and kind over the last year, which has made all the difference. Thank you.
This week, we have had our street dance performances to parents: Crystal's class did a dance based on their Science topic of Forces and showed lots of strong movements, moving together as if magnetised and then being forced apart.
Jo's class gave their performance based on their history topic of ancient Egypt. Their dance was split into 3 sections - a night in the British Museum with ancient Egyptian moving statues, a tableau section based on scenes from ancient Egypt and a choreographed final sequence.
All the children had worked very hard with the dance teacher, Justyna, to create the dances using many of their own moves.
Boys football: Due to unforeseen circumstances the boys' football match against Marian Vian Primary School was postponed until next year. To avoid disappointment, we decided to have our own Kilmorie Euros 2024 tournament. The boys set up in their teams and with their country teams decided, France, Spain, Germany and England, the tournament began.
Each team had very exciting, intense matches which led to third and fourth place playoffs and the final. There were some fantastic goals throughout the tournament, saves and all-round teamwork from each team.
The group stages finished and after a quick count of scores and goal difference, France and Spain had a great battle for third and fourth place with Spain coming third. Both teams showed great sportsmanship and empathy towards each other.
Then on to the final, after England and Germany stepped out to the Euros anthem and the handshakes were done, the match was on its way. It wasn't to be England's day and Germany ended up the winners of what was a great tournament and a much enjoyed final.
They all had such a great afternoon of football, and it was massively enjoyed by all.
A big thank you to Donell who was our fixtures manager and the all-important score counter.
Well done to everyone who joined in the Euros 2024. It was thoroughly enjoyed!
Know anyone who wants needs a Nursery place?
We have a few spaces left for our afternoon sessions for September (15hours), if you have a younger child or know a friend that is looking for a space, please complete our online application form Kilmorie School Admissions as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Summer holidays are fast approaching. We always get a lot of links and information on things you can do with your children over the holidays. To support we have pulled these together and have made a special section in our newsletter which we will transfer to the website too. Please be mindful that we are passing these on but have not vetted them all and would not be able to vouch for them all.
Neuro-divergence at Kilmorie Please complete the online questionnaire below so we have a broad understanding of our starting point for this project.
Wrap balances: I am aware that for some of you there are incorrect balances still showing and apologise for any stress this may be causing. I have asked Magda and Imani to do a full reconciliation of all 340 children who attend Wrap provision. If however, you would like to share any copies of receipt of monies paid or
Last day of Term: Please don’t forget we are finishing at 2pm on Wednesday 24th July and that there is no Wrap provision. If your child has any medications in the school, please can you collect them by the end of the school day (Wednesday 24th July 2pm) from the main office. Any medications not collected will be disposed of.
We will be doing a final newsletter next week, please make sure you have a read as it will contain key information you will need to note.
Let's hope we get some of this lovely weather over the weekend for us all to enjoy and I look forward to welcoming you back on Monday for our final 3 days of the year.
Kind regards