Year 5/6 Mixed Basketball competition

There was no time to relax, as their first game started as soon as they arrived and it was their trickiest game of the evening. After a shaky start the team's confidence and determination grew stronger and there was no stopping them as they scored goals with determination.
The team provided great entertainment for spectators, a special shout out for Zie, who played possibly the best move (Jane has seen) played in a game of basketball.
After their four games, the team waited with anticipation to see the results. They came second, only narrowly beaten by Fairlawn. They were delighted to come home as silver medallists, and it was well deserved. The team cannot wait for the next tournament.
A special mention to Mosgnan, who was identified by the organisers, as she was a strength at the back and the team could rely on her to pass back.
A big thank you to Shivani who trained the team at lunchtimes, leading the team, and for all of her basketball knowledge.
I am so proud of you all, you really did deserve to come home with a medal!
Thank you for making the evening so enjoyable!