Home Learning
Home learning objectives
The objectives of home learning at Kilmorie are:
- to consolidate and reinforce learning done in school and to allow children to practise skills taught in lessons
- to help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner
- to promote a partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning and helping them to developing a love of learning
- to help children develop good work habits for the future, building an understanding of the process of learning
Reading home learning
Reading at home: Children are expected to read or spend time discussing their reading at home for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week. As they become more fluent readers, they do not always need to read out loud, but they should discuss their reading with an adult and check unfamiliar words.
Questions to support with reading discussions:
- What do you think might happen in this story by looking at the front cover?
- What do you think might happen next?
- Which word or sentence do you think should come next?
- Which words do you think best describe this character?
- Do you like the characters? Why? Why not?
- Does anything in this book seem familiar to you?
- How might this story be different if it was told from another character’s point of view?
- Can you make up a different ending to this story?
- If you wrote a story like this one, how would you change it? Why?
Spelling home learning
Spelling home learning: Children are expected to learn 5 words each week linked to their current spelling focus, which will then be used in a dictation in class on Friday, after which they will get the next week’s spellings. In addition, two words will be set as ‘focus’ words from the statutory spellings word list for the relevant year group. These will also be focus words in class for the week; they will not be tested. Children will bring home a spelling book containing their week’s spellings. This is intended to consolidate work done in class on spelling patterns and common exception (‘tricky’) words.
The children in each year group who have been given their own set of high frequency words to work on at home will not need to learn the weekly spellings in addition to these.
Maths home learning
Maths home learning: This is to work on the basic maths skills specific to your child’s year group. Details about these basic skills are available on each year group page on the Kilmorie website and include resources and suggested activities. There is no weekly work to be handed in, but the expectation is that children will continue to practise the key skills for their year group at home, as and when this works for your family. One of the most important skills children need to practise at home is fluency with their times tables and all children have a TTRockstars account to facilitate this.
Topic Projects or activities
Topic projects or activities: linked to the current topic in class are suggested on the website at the beginning of each half-term. These are optional home learning activities which are designed to stimulate a creative or research-based approach to the topic, to enrich your child’s understanding. Please see below for this term’s suggestions.
Below are some ideas and links for your topic home learning this term linked to our Romans topic. Choose as many tasks as you wish! You can choose how to present your home learning: e.g. PowerPoint, photos and labels, videos, etc.
- Pretend you are an Anglo-Saxon invading Britain. Write a postcard or letter to the people you have left behind at home
- Research and make a presentation to share with some interesting facts about Anglo-Saxons and their life
- Make a fact file about the Norse Gods
- Make a presentation, video or story board about a Norse myth
- Learn some words or phrases in British Sign Language and share them with the class
- Create a poster or PowerPoint about how human hearing works
If your child is using the Internet for research, please remember that you may not have the same level of filtering and monitoring at home as we have in school. If your child is carrying out free research, please be vigilant about what they are accessing.
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