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Parents & Carers

Year Two

Welcome to the Year 2 area. In Year 2 children will begin to show greater independence. Peer acceptance becomes more important than before and they begin to value their friendships in more meaningful ways. There is less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.

This is when children start developing their ability to understand the perspectives of others and become more aware of and sensitive to the feelings of others.

They begin to understand about their place in the world and at this stage children become inquisitive, asking lots of questions as they continue to explore their world. In order to ignite this curiosity, children in Year 2 learn a range of exciting and stimulating topics such as: ‘The Great Fire of London’, ‘Into the Woods’, ‘Antarctica’, and ‘Rainforests.’

The Year 2 Team

Kate - Class Teacher

Rebecca - Class Teacher

Elis - Class Teacher

Jayne - Teaching Assistant across Year 2

Carole - Teaching Assistant across Year 2

The Year 2 Curriculum

Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2024-25

PE Days

On the days they have PE, children should come in dressed in appropriate clothing.

  • Indoor PE - shorts or leggings, T-shirt.
  • Outdoor PE - jogging bottoms, T-shirt, long-sleeved top (in colder weather), trainers or plimsolls.

Please remember that long hair needs to be tied back, and no jewellery is to be worn on PE days except stud earrings that cannot be removed.

Class Indoor Outdoor
Kate Monday Thursday
Rebecca Monday Thursday
Elis Monday Thursday

Home Learning

If you wish to do home learning, please refer to your weekly learning letter for ideas / suggestions. Here is our recommended reading list

Remember you can always have fun with maths at

Parent Workshop Presentations

Reading & Writing Workshop - November 2023

Year 2 Visited Dulwich Picture Gallery

Sarah's class have made some amazing buildings in art.

They turned their classroom into an art gallery and invited parents in to see their brilliant creations. Here is a video of their art!

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