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Parents & Carers

Year One

Welcome to the Year 1 area. At Kilmorie, we believe that play continues to be the best way to learn right into Year 1. However, although children’s interests contribute to daily practices, the bulk of the learning is planned around topics to cover the increasingly broad curriculum requirements.

During the Autumn term, the sequence of the day is very similar to that experienced in Reception, with only a little more time given to timetabled activities such as French and assemblies. During the Spring term, the amount of time spent learning through free-flow activities both inside and out begins to be slowly reduced and a little more whole class teaching and follow up is introduced. In the final Summer term, free-flow opportunities for learning continue in a reduced way but there is more whole class teaching and follow up planned, which is adapted to meet the needs of different groups of children.

Year 1 Photos

The Year 1 Team

Butterflies Naomi - Class Teacher

Ladybirds Isla - Class Teacher

Treefrogs Rhiannon - Class Teacher

Neyan - Teaching Assistant in Butterflies

Kath - Teaching Assistant in Ladybirds

Leanne - Teaching Assistant in Treefrogs

1:1 in Year 1: Grace, Nina and Vao

The Year 1 Curriculum

Key Skills for Reading, Writing and Maths

Curriculum Overview

Little Wandle - further information

PE Days

PE Days:

If they are not changing in school on PE days, children must come dressed appropriately.

  • Indoor PE - shorts or leggings, T-shirt.
  • Outdoor PE - jogging bottoms, T-shirt, long-sleeved top (in colder weather), trainers or plimsolls.

Please remember that long hair needs to be tied back, and no jewellery is to be worn on PE days except stud earrings that cannot be removed.

Class Indoor Outdoor
Naomi - Butterflies Tuesday Friday
Isla - Ladybirds Tuesday Friday
Rhiannon - Treefrogs Tuesday Friday

Home learning 

If you wish to do home learning, please refer to your weekly learning letter for ideas / suggestions. Here is our recommended reading list

Year 1 Road Safety