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Parents & Carers

Home Learning

Children have CGP books for their English and Maths home learning; teachers will let them know on Thursday which page(s) they need to complete for the following Tuesday. Please encourage your child to look over their home learning on Thursday, so their teacher can answer any questions on Friday. 

Children are also expected to be reading for 20 minutes a minimum of 5 times a week, as well as practising times tables as necessary.

Recommended Reading List

Topic Projects or Activities

If you would like to do some additional home learning, here are some ideas linked to our foundation learning. Remember to bring in anything you do at home so we can share it with the class.

During the Summer term, your optional topic home learning is to spend some time carrying out further research into the Windrush and its impact on the people and countries involved. You can choose how you would like to present the information you find out; you might want to create a poster, a PowerPoint, a newspaper article or even prepare and present a short talk for your class. We recommend the websites below for information, and if you are searching further please remember everything we have discussed about internet safety and the questioning of how reliable (or not!) sources of information are.

If your child is using the Internet for research, please remember that you may not have the same level of filtering and monitoring at home as we have in school. The website suggested above has been checked, but if your child is carrying out free research please be vigilant about what they are accessing.

Click here for more information about keeping your child safe online