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Music & Singing

Music is an integral part of our curriculum and school life. It is something which both the children and parents value highly. Throughout their school life, children are exposed to a variety of instruments, musicians and music styles in order to explore how varied music is, and how our preferences of the huge variety of music styles differ. We also strive to ensure that children themselves feel seen, heard and represented through our music curriculum. 

All classes from Nursery to Year 6 have a weekly music lesson with a specialist music teacher in our purpose-built music block, as well as weekly phase-group singing assemblies. 

Singing games, rhymes and movement form the basis of the EYFS and KS1 curriculum, moving into reading rhythm and pitched notation, composition and performance in KS2. 

Whole-class instrument lessons are part of our curriculum: 

  • Year 3 learns the recorder 
  • Year 4 learns the ukulele 
  • Year 5 learns the steel pans 

Year 5 and 6 children use music software for composition (Bandlab, Garageband). There are performance opportunities for all children throughout the academic year both in our Christmas and end of year productions and our termly music recitals. 

Listening and music appreciation are highly valuable skills, and the children are exposed to a wide range of music styles of both live and recorded music. Children across the school have the opportunity to experience live orchestral performances and by taking part in school performances both at Christmas and during our end of year production also aids in developing these skills. 

All children have the chance to learn a variety of instruments throughout their school life from music specialists. We have an extensive music enrichment programme – please see our dedicated Music page.